Phebe BT A U IP44 motor

Operator for overhead garage doors of maximum area 8 m² and semi-intensive use. Operating time 17-20 s, IP44 IP44. Electromechanical limit switch.

Technical features

Limit switch type Electromechanical
Slowdown Yes
Locking Mechanical
Knob release
Control unit VEGA
Shock reaction D-Track
Rated voltage 24 V
Frequency of use Semi-intensive
Power consumption 40 W
Degree of protection IP44
Maneuvering time 17-20 s
Environmental conditions -15 ÷ 60 °C
Door area 8 m2
Interconnectivity Yes


Electromechanical system for residential use to automate overhead garage doors.

Remote controls
Coding system for direct cloning of remote controls based on microprocessor technology. This system allows each MITTO remote control to be cloned into a MITTO REPLAY remote control. The first remote control will transfer to the second the correct code to self-store in the receiver during the first use. This is done at the highest level of security through the use of the Rolling Code secure transmission system.

EE Link - Fast and secure programming
EELINK is a system that through a connection to handheld programmers (Unipro, Uniradio, and Proxima), allows data to be transferred from automatons to personal computers and vice versa. The software allows the necessary master references to be associated with each system: generalities and contact information of the owner, name of the maintainer and owners of each radio control, and much more information. With EElink, a few keystrokes are all it takes to easily manage the customer base or preventive maintenance. Previously complex operations also become simpler: for example, reconfiguring the control unit or radio receiver in case of replacement or setting up a control panel from a standard or customized configuration.

24V - A precise, safe and reliable technology
The 24V technology ensures optimal performance with timely slowdown adjustment on closing and opening. Safety is another key aspect of it by ensuring immediate stopping and reversal of travel in the presence of obstacles. The efficiency of the technology is a guarantee of the product’s reliability.

Dynamic Travel - The boost needed to operate safely
This intelligent torque management system is based on the microprocessor technology of Bft control panels. By acquiring data from various indicators, it updates the level of thrust needed to perform the maneuver. D-Track also makes it easier for the installer to prepare the certifications required by law. Traditional control panels do not read the exact position of the gate and consequently adopt constant thrust levels, without guaranteeing stable sensitivity over time during opening and closing maneuvers. Instead, these devices register the smallest variations in gate or door force due to, for example, temperature differences or wear and tear, constantly providing the motor with optimal torque. A traditional control unit would not be able to detect variations in the required thrust and would end up reporting the presence of nonexistent obstacles. The system thus ensures maximum safety of the system and its perfect operation, regardless of weather conditions, temperature or degree of mechanical wear.

U-Link - A single platform for all types of exchanges and receivers
A technology conceived and designed to work using specific gateways for each type of physical media and communication protocol. Solutions based on Bluetooth transmission systems in the local area and TCP/IP for remote connection. U-link guarantees an absolutely stable standard, correct communication, as well as robust data protection thanks to two levels of encryption, to maximize the effectiveness of the installer’s activity, both in the implementation of the system and in the maintenance activity.


Accessories for overhead door automation system